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Conjugator for Portuguese Verbs 1.0

Conjugator for Portuguese Verbs 1.0

Conjugator for Portuguese Verbs Publisher's Description

Designed to help in studying or dealing with foreign languages, Conjugator is a handy substitution for the fat grammar books. It is implemented as one "host" program with many language plug-ins, each of which provides the conjugation functionality for particular language.

It is important to know that most language plug-ins use rules and exceptions specific to the language to perform the conjugation. Because of that, they do not have clear way of identifying made-up verbs and will made up conjugations for them. Irregular verbs are usually taken into account. Write us if you find an omission!

The Portuguese Verbs Conjugator allows conjugation in 10 tenses resulting in six output verbs, single and plural. Irregular verbs are supported.

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